Faith is really into her art at the moment. She’s always had
a bit of a flair for it. You can give her some bits of paper and a glue stick
and she will right away see something amazing and beautiful that she could turn
it into. Lately though, she’s been experimenting with drawing in some different
styles than anything she’s done before. She had a relieving teacher who taught
them for a day and he was pretty good at drawing and showed the class some new
drawing techniques. Faith took to it straight away, and after playing around
with styles and colours, she made this drawing of a summer/autumn tree.
When her teacher came back and saw their amazing creations,
she decided to continue teaching them some more drawing techniques. Every night,
sitting in front of the TV, Faith’s been sitting quietly with paper and pencil
and playing around with shading and colours and creating something beautiful
and new. It’s fascinating to watch her.