Thursday 23 February 2012

My Day - A Post by Faith


Today I did choir for the first time and it was fun. Mrs F did one song that I knew. One of those songs was one that I liked and the other one was one that I really like, it was so funny.


Today at school I did a Book Sell for my news. I did Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss. I liked the middle and the end. My favourite page is the gooey goo for chewy chewing bit.

Red and Black Day

We had red and black day for the earthquake. We had to put our heads down for a minute's silence and it hurt all of our necks. Finally we were allowed to put our heads up and went to class. I wore two of my mum's tops and my black tights.


  1. I really love your new look blog Faith and it really shows your gorgeous personality. Well done darling


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